Saturday, June 30, 2012

Things are heating up...literally

It seems as the though most of the remaining #LPG12 teams have under ten plates to find.  So, as things are heating up (literally, here in St. Louis) for second place, I decided to make a desperation run through the hotels near our home this morning.  I enlisted the assistance of two loyal helpers.  As you can see from the pic above, Bella was vigilant, while Gracie, still hot from our walk, just wanted to position herself where she could optimize the air conditioning blowing on her face. 

Sadly, our venture provided no discoveries.  We are still looking for:  North Dakota, Vermont, Rhode Island, Hawaii and New Jersey.  Good luck remaining #LPG12 sleuths and stay cool!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Thing of Beauty?

The King and His Royal Court shared their LPG12 score sheet with us.  What, no Washington, D.C.?  Ha!  Check!  It appears someone on the team was filling the sheet out as they were driving.  Take a look at Maine.  Citizen's Arrest!  That is almost as bad as texting while driving!  Foul!  Oh, wait, I'm on your side!  I'm globbing on, I mean, basking in the glow of your victory.  Nevermind. 

Well, as the Former King said, "A thing of beauty for one, salt in the wounds for others..."

There are plenty of snarky comments going around regarding K&HRC's win.  For example, Team Parkinson asked how many people were on Team Gallina.  The Former King responded:   
"just how many eyeballs does that extended Gallina team have?  Having all of those passengers with roving eyes in a single car (or perhaps even more than one car?) gives a distinct advantage.  It’s like those cameras on top of cars giving 360 degree vision."   
Google Street Car borrowed by Team Gallina aka K & HRC

Hey, using a car with 360 degree vision is not mentioned in the bylaws of the LPG.  If the Former King has a problem with it, he can put it up for vote and if it passes the bylaws will be revised in time for LPG13.

In addition, the Former King, in an obvious fit of sour grapes, stole from the playbook of Carl Rove by trying to turn Team Loretta's Eva against Team Debbie by stating,

"I personally suggest that your goal is not only to get second place, but to be sure to beat Debbie, the FQRC (Former Queen and Rules Committee). She is clearly intimidated by your successful emergence (hence the “newbie” name-calling), and it would be a sweet victory for you (and the rest of us) if you could beat her at her own game." 

Ouch!  That hurt!  Here I am, minding my own business and being supportive of Team Loretta and the rest of you losers, I mean players.  May the next best team win 2nd place!

ps  The other day, Team Eva asked, "what's a Globber?"  This tickled my funny bone because we use this phrase quite a bit.  I asked DH where it came from, and he reminded me that it's from National Lampoon Vacation.  Clark talks about Aunt Edna "globbing on."


Monday, June 18, 2012


Image courtesy of the former K&P.
First, the former King and Princess (FK&P) of The License Plate Game bowed to the new King and his Royal Court (K&HRC), relinquishing their title, yesterday, June 17, 2012...a day that will live in infamy.  

Image courtesy of Team Parkinson.
Then, the President of the United States, First Lady, and Vice President got in on the action.  Yes, winning The License Plate Game is quite an accomplishment (Why did Pink Panther Strikes Again just pop into my head?).  Winning on June 17 is definitely a record for the Midwest.  Of course, the all-time LPG record is a 'blazing' June 11, a title held by former K&P aka Team Cange.  I have personally only found 50 plates before July 4th one time, in all my many years of winning, I mean playing.  Bravo, K&HRC!  The question remains, who will come in second place?  

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Go Nuts, Folks! We have a Winner!

Go Nuts, Folks!  We have a WINNER, and not from California.  King John and His Royal Court aka Team Gallina are the winners of License Plate Game 2012.

The title is back where it belongs, in St. Louis.  After all, St. Louis is MY favorite city.  Wasn't I lucky to be born in my favorite city (no comment on how many years ago that was)? 

Mr. Neely: [about St. Louis] It's a grand old town.
Tootie: It isn't a town, Mr. Neely. It's a city. It's the only city that has a world's fair. My favorite. Wasn't I lucky to be born in my favorite city?

And today is the day I was born!  What a coincidence!  And today is Father's Day, another coincidence?  So, it's time to CELEBRATE!
I couldn't find a Wyoming or Missouri plate with 'celebrate' on it, so this one will have to do.    Celebrate good times, come on!

Congratulations, KJ & HRC!  Now, who will come in second, third, fourth, etc.?     

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Who will be the first to find the(ir) Holy Grail?

Interesting development in #LPG12.  We have a tie between Team Cange and Team Gallina.  Both teams have 49 plates.  Team Cange has been at 49 for ten days waiting patiently for a challenging, Delaware to come their way.  Team Gallina found their 49th today and only have to spot a very doable, Wyoming.  Both are waiting to see their respective Holy Grails. 

Who is your money on--Team Cange or Team Gallina?  Or could there be a sleeper out there somewhere?  Team Newbie aka Eva has 43!  Haven't heard from Team Barbara or Team Parkinson, lately.  I recounted and only have 40 (Still proud of that total, by the way.  It IS only June 14!)

Good luck brave Knights of the License Plate Table!  Onward to Camelot to find the Holy Grail!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Found Maryland yesterday, and I now have 40 plates!  Since finding Maryland around 2:00 p.m., I've probably seen three more Marylands.  Kind of weird how that happens.  When it rains, it pours.

Since I love Twitter, I wanted to tweet out the news that I had found another plate.  That's what I like about Twitter, you can immediately tweet out anything and someone will respond.  This is especially true when you use hashtags.  For instance, when tweeting about License Plate Game 2012, one could use the hashtag #LPG12 or something similar.  You could share the hashtag with others suggesting that any communication regarding the game include that hashtag.  Then, you could follow that hashtag for the latest License Plate Game 2012 news.  Anyone interested?

ps  According to Punchbowl today is Iced Tea Day.  Here's to you, Mamä!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Vermont Volleyball (White Christmas reference)

License Plate Game 2012 is in full-swing.  Team Gallina is in the lead with 48 states!  There is plenty of snark to go around, for example, while rubbing in his lofty leader status of only needing two more plates in the Californians faces, John wrote: 
"I just placed an ad in Wyoming and Rhode Island newspapers:

I don't know about you, but I think that is a Vermont volleyball.  Seriously, you don't have to drive 15 minutes out of St. Louis to see a sight like the image above.  In addition, I don't think anyone from Wyoming is going to jump at the chance to get "Free Land in St. Louis."  If you don't know what a Vermont volleyball is, see the dialogue from White Christmas via IMDb below:
[after Bob has found out about Phil and Judy's phony engagement]
Judy Haynes: It's just that she's always been something of a mother hen.
Phil Davis: Yeah, and we wanted Mother Hen to leave the nest so that Little Chick could... I guess we laid an egg.
Bob Wallace: An egg? Brother, you laid a Vermont volleyball! 
I feel Bob Wallace's pain...Brother, you laid a Vermont volleyball!

Monday, June 4, 2012

All Quiet on the License Plate Game Front

Helloooo?  Anyone out there?  Haven't heard any bragging or insults for a couple days.  Hmmm.  Getting suspicious.

47 - Team Cange (K. & P.)
45 - Peege (Team Gallina)
42 - Team Parkinson (Scorched)
38 - Debbie (FQRC)
37 - Eva (Newbie)
?? - Barb (Team Mom)